
Elevate your Disability Inclusion journey with Jupiter. Where leadership meets empowerment.

Thanks to Disinfluencer’s insights, we are on the journey to create a more accessible and welcoming environment for all our travellers and employees. I highly recommend Disinfluencer to any organisation looking to prioritise accessibility and inclusivity.

Melissa Evans
Head of Marketing and Communication | Canberra Airport

Jupiter. Scorecard - Begin your journey


Why you need


We believe that Disability Inclusion isn't a corporate checkbox; it's a personal commitment to empowerment. It's about each individual in your organisation, regardless of its size.

We're not here to fit you into a mold; we're here to build on your distinct journey.

No matter what business you do, at the heart of every organisation is people and if you want to unlock something magically, with your people, clients, customers and stakeholders, disability inclusion is the final frontier!

As a social enterprise, we ensure a portion of our profits goes back to the community of Persons with Disabilities, making a positive impact.

The Jupiter journey

  • By completing the scorecard, organisations receive an analysis of their strengths and areas for improvement, enabling them to access tailored learning resources to enhance their inclusivity efforts.

  • Our learning programs empower your team with the knowledge and skills needed to create a truly inclusive workplace.

  • Differentiate your organisation, attract top talent, and gain a competitive edge in an inclusive and accessible world.

  • At Jupiter, we are proud to be a social enterprise. A significant portion of our profits goes directly back to the community of Persons with Disabilities (PwD) through our Academy, which up skills and empowers PwD, creating opportunities for a brighter future.

Disability isn’t a dirty word

Disabled individuals aren't just a segment of the population; they are your potential customers, clients, staff and partners.

Transform your organisation into a business of accessibility and inclusivity, unlocking a vast market of loyal customers who admire and value your commitment.

Enhance social capital within your workforce, transitioning from the unknown to a realm of understanding, empathy, and kindness.

One in five people have a disability

source: ABS

It’s a $13 Trillion economy

The disability market is vast, encompassing 1.85 billion people – larger than the entire population of China. And it's growing. But that's not all; when you consider the friends and family of disabled individuals, you unlock an additional 3.4 billion potential consumers. Together, these groups wield incredible economic influence, with over $13 Trillion* in annual disposable income.

*The Global Economics of Disability 2020